Monday, January 25, 2010

Sometimes being a mom has its complications

Okay so here is the story.

Abbey comes home from school and says "Mom, I really hate to tell you this. But I got a note from school. I just know you are going to hate it."

So in my freaking out mommy moment all things go through my mind. From "What did you do?, to How bad is it?, and What is broken?"

Oh no, nothing like that at all. Abbey has to make a volcano!!! Out of some baking clay.

Now if you know me at all, you know I don't do messy, or clay and really not paint or playdoh. AAAAAHHHHHHH! This is my worst nightmare.
So I have to play it cool for Abbey and tell her no problem we will work it out. Now originally I was going to make Brent do it with her, but he was all tied up with church stuff that week (secretly I think he just wanted to see me suffer).

We got the clay and I called Pennie to ask for advise on how to make a volcano. In telling her the story, she busts out laughing at me!!!! Thanks a lot Pen. But follows with, "Katelyn in 16 and we have never had to make a volcano. Good luck!" And thats it.....

Wow so here we are on our own. I look on the box and there is a website to learn how to make a volcano! AWESOME right? no. the website has since taken off the procedure, but you can pay to download it. Ummmm no.

Back to the internet... I find a way to make it with tin foil and a canister. So we undertake this "volcano" and get started.

Abbey had a blast playing with the clay. I got to roll it out, and she put it on the foil.

We had to buy a lot more clay than expected, but it worked really well.

Next we baked it. It came out kinda soft at first, but the package said in bold letters not to over bake it. So we took it out.

I am glad we did to. As it cooled, it got really hard. (thats what she said).... lol

Anyway, the next day, we painted the "Volcano" and Abbey wanted to take it on the bus to school instead of having me drop it off.

She got on the bus and had a great time in class that day. They "erupted" their volcano's and the whole project was worth 100 points. Abbey got full credit and I am so glad that is over. She did bring it home that afternoon where it met the garbage can full force.

So glad that is over..