Now for Liney.
Bless her little heart, she wanted to watch her brother hit. She and Abbey were playing in the playground, saw that it was going to be Hunter's turn to bat, went to leave the playground, Liney pushed the gate open so hard that it swung back and busted her lip wide open.
Now if you have ever heard Liney cry, you know everyone knew something happened.
Luckily, one dad on the team is a dentist and one mom was a nurse. They said her teeth were fine, but she did need some kind of stitches (glue or normal). Of course.
So Brent had to pull Tip from the game. (I was at YW). He called and told me he was on his way to the ER and asked if I could pick up the other kids and take them home. So I left YW super nervous to see how my baby looked.
I don't have any pics while she was busted up, but I do after she came home. She will not have a huge scar according to the doctor. By next summer we shouldn't be able to tell. So they say. We will see.
Side story: She was so worried I would be mad because she ruined her white shorts with blood all ober. yes ober. (not a typo). I thought that was so cute.
So sorry no pics of Tips first game but we do of Liney. Tip does have a game on Thurs, so we will post those pics. WTG Tip for your first triple!
Oh! Poor Caroline. I just want to give her a big hug! Awww
Way to go Hunter! Too bad you didn't get the fan fare you deserved. Those Darn sisters are known for a clever game of sabatoge.. and they make it sooo believable! Well hopefully she won't go to that great of lengths next time. And you will be able to show'em your kick'n T-ball skills!
Way to go buddy! ( it was worth all that running.. wasn't it?)
Poor Liney-Lou... She looks so miserable! I'm glad she is starting to feel better. Give her a big hug for me. Ethan saw the picture and wanted to know what happened to his "girlfriend". He was deeply concerned. I had to reassure him a billion times that she was okay and she wasn't sad anymore.. he kept saying.. "what happened?"& "who did it?" who mom? tell me? Very protective. SO tell her her "boyfriend is very concerned for her.
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