Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My little Phineas and Ferb addiction

Okay so if you have kids, you have to have seen at least one episode of Phineas and Ferb. I think it is hilarious and of course Jackson absolutely loves it. I know he is only 4 months old. But I can put him in front of something else and he cries. Phineas and Ferb, he is kicking his legs when they sing, and totally in awe the rest of the time. Even Brent has his favorite episodes. Dr. Dufinschmirtz is his favorite!
So in honor of Phineas and Ferb, here are my favorite clips.
Squirrels in my pants
Gitchi Gitchi Goo
And Brents being the one where Isabella has her tonsils out. Dr. Dufinschmirtz is the best in that one.

When I figure out how to post the video on here I will. But for now please look at them on Youtube. They are hilarious!!!!


Liz said...

"Aren't you a little old to love Phineas and Ferb?"

"Yes, yes I am"

I love it too. Quality television speaks for itself.

Call me and I'll help you embed the video clips onto your blog. You just have to do it once, and you'll get it.

Stacey Irwin said...

you all are just a bunch a phineas and Ferb freaks!
Okay their funny... but I couldn't name specific episodes for crying out loud!!