So if you know me at all you know that my Holidays start in October. I only decorate for 2 holidays, Halloween and Christmas. Since we are going up to Kentucky for Thanksgiving, I thought that I should decorate the house with Christmas before we go up there. I have my trees up (only 1 is decorated) and most of the decorations as well.
This time of year also makes me homesick. I miss my family back in Utah and so do the kids. Pennie just had a major surgery and she is in a lot of pain. It is hard to see your family need you and be almost an entire country away from them. I know that they miss us and that helps too but family is family around the holidays. I am grateful to have Brents family be only a day away from us. That makes seeing family a little better. I definitely have great in laws and I adore Brents brothers and sister-in-laws, and of course those grandkids! I am really looking forward to the holidays with them.
I also miss my friends this time of year. Black Friday has been my own holiday with Stacey for the last couple of years and this year we have to do it by ourselves (just not fair if you ask me) but we have been with the Irwins for the last couple of years and they are a true extension of our family. We miss them so much. Not only me but the banter that happens between Stacey and Brent is hilarious! (if you have ever seen it you can testify) My kids always want to know what is going on with the Irwins whenever I talk with Stace~
I just miss people around the holidays and I want everyone to know that the Craigs are thinking of you this holiday season.