Monday, September 28, 2009

When it rains, it pours.

Not that I have a ton to post about, but this week is just starting off on the wrong foot for me.

Well most everyone knows that Brent has shingles. It sucks really bad. Not only have I had it myself, but Brent has to go to work in a shirt and tie everyday. The needle pain is ridiculous and I feel for him. He did have a blessing and the medicine is working, I see it everyday that he is feeling better.

Friday and Saturday I was riding in a huge truck. We went to dinner with some friends on Friday, and then I went with the same friend to the RS broadcast. I had to jump into her truck to get up into it. My back has been having some spasms since Friday. Not that I am sad that I went out both days, but it has taken its toll on my pregnancy muscles.
Also, I think my pelvis is broken. Not really, it just feels so painful everytime I move or roll over or sit or stand. It sucks.

Abbey wasn't feeling good on Sunday so we stayed home. Her tooth was hurting. I thought it was because she is teething the tooth that was absessed before so it was hurting her. Ya know when you have a baby and they teethe through the gums? Well I figured that Abbey was having that pain since her tooth was pulled so long ago that the gums had totally healed. Well I was half right. Her tooth is coming in, and the tooth behind it is swollen as well. So to be sure that the other tooth was alright I took her to the dentist today. (Side note: this dentist is the coolest person ever!) Sure enough the tooth is absessed as well. So now she is on amoxicillan to get the infection under control and she has to have the tooth pulled next Tues. At least she knows what she is in for, and she is okay with it. She just wants the pain to go away.

Caroline is finally seeing an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor next Tuesday as well. She has been in speech for the past 3 years, and her pediatrician finally sent the referral to the ENT for her tongue to be clipped. Maria (Brents sis-in-law/speech pathologist) says that this is the only way we can get her 'l' to come in correctly, plus it is safer for her to be able to put her tongue on the roof of her mouth if she needs to (to get bread of the roof of her mouth without choking).

Now that I have totally downed myself with self pity, I should talk about something on a high note I guess.

We are getting excited for this new addition to make his appearance soon. We are getting the crib ready, bottles ready to go, outfits lined up, bag packed to head to the hospital. I go to the doctor on Friday and this is my last 2 week appt. From hear on out, I will be going weekly. I know that I am not due until Nov. 15th, but I know this baby is coming sooner (call it mommy intuition) but he is measuring a little big, and Tip was 2 weeks early and Liney was 3 1/2 weeks early. So I could be having him at the end of Oct. Which is fine as long as it isn't on Halloween. I am crossing my legs that day. We are naming him James JACKSON for crying out loud I don't need a JACK-O-LANTERN child. So wish us luck on that.

Other than that, things are going really well. We got midterm reports back this past week and the kids all have A's and 1 B. I am so proud of them! They work really hard at school and I am glad that they love it!


Liz said...

Wow, that is a lot to deal with for a woman about to deliver a baby!! Hang in there strong woman!

On a totally dif. thought, want to watch some/all of conference together? We can work on handsewing our baby quilts while we watch! I have two to do by Dec. 17! 8 hours of conference, and I bet you'll be done with yours!

Stacey Irwin said...

I so now that goes! poor Abb's 2 in one year blows!
Well hopefully after all this it will get quite and calm just in time for the baby to come. Still laughing at Jack o lantern.. Although it would make me feel better about my possible christmas baby!

Hopefully everyone starts feeling better soon. And you better be ready for a new baby here in a couple weeks!!!!! ( crazy!)