Tuesday, April 29, 2008

here are some awesome pics of the frames I just got for the cuties. oh yeah and ab having her favorite snack. (diet coke or pepsi)


Stacey Irwin said...

I love your frames! they are so cute! I need to go back and get some for me!
I think they are super cute!

Irish Cream said...

You're so awesome. I need you to take me shopping sometime so I can get such supercool stuff as you find!

I had so much fun with you at lunch today. I'm so glad that you were able to come over, chat and eat with us!

I think we definitely need to do that again- maybe do a picnic and then the kids can run and play while we chat. Of course, the more the merrier, so we should have the Stanley's and the Irwin's there, too!

Let's talk!!