So this past weekend we went up to Ky. Brent's brother Mark got tickets to the Rider cup(this is an annual golf tournament that moves every year and it is really popular). Brents brother Bryon came all the way from Hawaii to go to this thing too. Another reason we went up to KY was for Grandma Rosie and Grandad and Hailey's birthday. Now my kids haven't seen cousins for a couple of months so this was a big deal. Abbey, Sarah and Rachel all get along so fantastically and they were so happy to see each other.
The Golf outing..
So the boys went golfing on Friday grandad, and all four brothers and Nates friend Aaron ( i swear he is a nathan clone!) they were having a good time when of course Brent got up to tee off.......
Okay so Nate and Aaron were down the course a bit, Bryon and James were about 20 feet in front of Brent on the side, and Mark was behind Brent (where he should have been). Brent goes to swing, hits the ball and hits a line drive into Bryons arm!! Yes in his arm just above the elbow. If he would have been an inch lower he would have broke the elbow. Now from Nates point of view "I saw Brent hit the ball and Dad double over, I thought Brent hit Dad".
Dad says "When I saw that Bryon was okay I doubled over with laughter"
Bryon says "I am just glad you didn't break it"
Mark says "It's my weekend off so stop hitting people with balls Brent"
All in all they had a great time and Brent will not live this one down for awhile.
Rider cup...
They all had a great time and the golfing was awesome. I really don't know alot of what happend but Brent was glad to spend time with his brothers and dad for a couple of days. I got to hang with Rosie, Maria, Amy, and Maria's mom Dolores. I had so much fun giving manicures, and just catching up with how everyone was doing. It was like we were all back in Rosie's house on a Saturday afternoon just hanging. I was in need of some family time and this was perfect!
So now the horror story of KY.......!!!@@@%$^$%$
Sarah (M&M's daughter) has a friend that lives next door. His name is Collin. Now his mom's name is Dawn, but the previous owner of the house is Terri and my kids adore her. Collin has a pool. My kids wanted to go swimming. They asked and I said no it is getting to late in the season, and we didn't bring any swimsuits. Abbey asked me 4 times if she could go swimming. After the 4th time I told her if she asked again she was in the house the rest of the time we were in KY. The mommies were in the living room and my mommy radar went off. I went outside to check on the kids and low and behold, Hunter is drenched, Caroline is naked, and Abbey is getting ready to get into the pool. DId I not just say no? After a good spanking outside with no parents around might I add (even the owner) They were guided to the basement where they spent the rest of the afternoon in a corner, cleaning up toys, and not playing with cousins the rest of the day. It is so hard to dicipline when you are not at your own house so we told them we would be revisiting this issue when we got home.
Update: they were so grounded until today and I mean no nothing at all fun. toys, video games, movies, tv you name it banned until today. they have been very sorry and after a long talk about how they could have died. a light seemed to click. so that was the bad part of the trip but everything else was absolutely perfect
A HA! I finally got to see ALL The boys together.. Man you were right.. they all look a like except Mark. who indeed looks like a surgeon!
Way to peg someone with a ball BRENT! ( note to self.. do not golf with bent ever.) FORE!
All those cousins together were so cute! I miss my kids!
And I see Katie( who looked super cute btw. has a new baby to love on.. Zoey will be jealous!)
Glad you guys had fun, and that your kids didn't die! ( it's not funny and yet I'm laughing!)
Way to stick to your guns!
That is sometimes the hardest part- disciplining when others are around. It is almost as if your kids KNOW that they can push the limits, and can get away with (almost) murder! Thankfully they were safe- thank goodness for mommy radars.
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