Okay so today was probably one of the worst days of my life. I now remember why I had guy friends growing up. So if you don't want to see the other side of Katie you don't have to read this one, but just know I am actually human, and I am not always happy.
So this one has a preface to the bad day. Yesterday I was a bit frustrated at the standards that the school changes on a daily basis. We have a quota we are supposed to meet in order to work on each other as students. If you don't have your quota, you don't getcha hair done. Simple as that.
Well I saw a couple of girls getting their hair done everyday this week (it just happened to be the same girls each day) I was frustrated to see that none of the instructors were checking the quota sheets. And of course you can read me like a book so the instructor asked what was the matter.
After class, I spoke to the instructor and my two friends were in the room. So was a guy named Korey. My 2 friends were not in the conversation, nor was Korey. The conversation was between a student and a teacher. The teacher said that they should be checking the quotas and she would speak to her peers about the situation.
Then stupid gay guys has to start crap.....
So today, after lunch I was in the locker room when one of the girls comes in and asks to speak with me, and my 2 friends. My one friend got really defensive, and decided that this other girl shouldn't talk to her that way. Anyway a lot of yelling insued between them and I interjected and claimed all that was said was from me. Just then, the dept. head came in and pulled us all into his office. ( I haven't been in the pricipals office since 8th grade)
I let my friend be excused since she wasn't involved. In the office. I let all three girls vent their frustration.I was told that because of my age I should know better, that they had lost all respect for me, and that I shouldn't hold the standards so high for them and not others. I kept a very calm demeanor, and was quiet. When asked for my side. I explained exactly what had happened. The look on the girls' face was of utter embarrassment. They apologized and asked for forgiveness. I told them that I do not hold grudges, but that they needed to speak with my friend and apologize to her.
Needless to say, it was a big misunderstanding, and the people involved in feeding a fire that wasn't there (Korey) has been rectified.
Then I got home and Brent tells me that his mom and aunts are unhappy with a post I made on my facebook page.
Can it get any worse today? honestly?
Long story short. I made a note that stated a couple of things that a YW leader shouldn't say, and that were offensive to others. I called and apologized to Rosie and I removed the post.
The post was a joke, I am sorry that I have offended people, and I will be more careful in the future about what I write.
I see the point that Rosie was trying to make, and lets face it Ro doesn't intervene often, so it must be bad. I have also decided that jokes sound better in person and not on paper.
This all being said, it has been a very long day of putting out fires.
To end my day, I have made a cherry cobbler, and a carrot cake for girls at the school for their birthday's.
Go me