Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ode to the Hubby!

Okay so if you know anything about Brent and I, it is that we are not the most romantic people in the world (well he isn't anyway). But since it is really close to Love day, I thought I would express my love publicly to him.

Brent has got to be the best friend I have ever had. He makes me laugh everyday. I talk about him to everyone. I have to say that he truly the funniest person I have ever met.

Well he has a good heart anyway. He knows how to cheer me up if I am having an off day. He constantly checks up on me. He loves to see me happy. Although we are not the most romantic, he know the way to my heart (fast food)

Well if you have met him ya know.

His own kind of romantic
So he knows just how much I love a good chick flick. He hates them, but when I am down, he will sit there and watch one with me just to make me feel good.

Side story. The most romantic thing he has ever done for me he didn't even know he was doing it. We were in St. Augustine, and I was looking for shells on the beach, his parents were there with us. And wouldn't you know, the next thing I see is him finding shells for me. It turned into a great long walk on the beach (I know its cliche but hey its Brent) Has to be the best moment ever!

A great priesthood holder.
I love that this man keeps us on track. I love to know that I can call on him for anything and he is worthy to come through for us.

Last but not least
He puts up with me everyday. He takes my bossy side, my crazy side, my romantic side all with awesome stride.

I am very glad to call him my best friend, lover, husband what ever you want to call it
Brent is mine and I love the Craig train.

Happy Valentine's day moneymaker!

1 comment:

Stacey Irwin said...

awww what a cute little tribute to your hubby. Hope you guys have a good V-day. Talk to you soon!