Saturday, September 6, 2008


Okay so we made it through gustav with no problems. we took the kids to the beach to see the big waves and took some pics. We called Pennie and Mom and they both thought we were crazy to take the kids out but it really wasn't horrible outside (mom even called me an idiot!) but all in all we are fine.
Thank you everyone who called to make sure we were okay.

Now this one has got Brent a little worried (although he won't admit worried, but for lack of a better word worried) the path looks like it could come right up here. So we will know by Monday if we will be getting some boards out of the attic. I think if they make us evacuate, brent will get his workers settled then I will make him leave with me and the kids up to KY but if not we will stay holed up here. I have to say I am a bit concerned with this storm so we will let you know what we decide.

1 comment:

Stacey Irwin said...

I must have missed this one... I only check your blog when my blog tells me to check your blog and it didn't tell me to check your blog.. hmmm.. my blog should be fired.

Glad you survived!!